2022 Recap & 2023 Outlook.

30 Dec 2022, 12:15
📒2022 Recap & 2023 Outlook Over the course of 2022, We achieved a number of significant milestones and have remained active in the industry. Major Milestones 1️⃣rToken Ecosystem ✅Mainnet releases (rDEX and StaFiHub) ✅Integrated 3 Liquid staking solutions ✅Launched 4 pools on rDEX and lots more 2️⃣Statistics Currently, StaFi has issued 10 rTokens with: - a TVL value of $26M - $175K in protocol fees - 3,439 original validators - 1,104 unique users 3️⃣DAO Governance ✅The Warriors Team: a team of loyal community members who are responsible for #StaFi growth. ✅On-chain Governance: two forums where community campaigns and grants decisions are discussed. 🔎2023 Outlook 1️⃣Rebranding StaFi Protocol 2️⃣DAO Building 3️⃣StaFiHub Expansion 4️⃣rDEX Adoption 5️⃣rToken User Scenarios 📗Details:https://link.medium.com/DqgsMQadbwb 🔄 Retweet:https://twitter.com/StaFi_Protocol/status/1608797763487297539 Follow our official channels to stay updated! Website| Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Telegram Announcement |Forum

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StaFiFIS #609
30 Dec 2022, 12:15
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